Has anyone ever told you “you should sell these!”

You know people sell their artwork online. Maybe you’ve even tried it.

But what’s the best way to do it?

What’s the right platform to use?

How do I make my artwork look good on anything?

How do I find the people who would be interested in buying it?

What if I don’t have the space to store crates and crates full of product?

There are a bunch of courses on doing Print On Demand out there, and I have to be honest, I’m kind of grossed out by many of the methods I’ve seen.

It’s all, “churn out as much low-quality garbage as possible and saturate the Etsy marketplace with it so that you make hundreds of sales by offering 10,000 products.

Play the numbers game.

Be a robot.

Add nothing of value to the world.”

We’re going to do something far more interesting.


What If… you took the art that is your heart and soul’s work, and made beautiful products with it that speak to the people who resonate with you?

What if… it was super-easy for them to find you because you already speak the same language about what they’re looking for?

What if… you could make a couple of bucks on some very specific inside jokes?

What if… you had material proof that you are not alone in the things you find absolutely fascinating?

What’s in Make It Real:


Module 1

Research and Planning

Start by defining your target market using my Real Friend/Imaginary Friend method. Make some decisions about your first product line. Find the things you’re already doing that actual buying customers are looking for

Module 2

Prepare for Print

Confused by DPI, bleeds, crops, and other printing terms? Intimidated by Photoshop? Take the mystery out of making graphics good enough for Prime Time.

Module 3

Graphic Design for Non-Designers

This module could be a course unto itself. Get some real-world skills in creating attractive mockups and sales material that make people want to buy, and skillfully crafting the kind of merch your customers will be proud to own.

Module 4

Product Creation

The nitty-gritty, step-by-step processes for uploading your products to some of my favorite print partners, writing irresistable descriptions, and getting found in marketplaces like Etsy WITHOUT worrying about the dreaded insta-ban. 

We’re going to do this the right way, so you never have to worry about gaming the system to stay seen.

Module 5

Setting Up Shop

You want to own your own platform. Even if you’re just dipping your toe into the marketplaces, creating a sustainable side-hustle means you’re going to want a place of your own on the internet, a way to develop and grow your audience, because the best buyers are repeat buyers.

Module 6

Creating an Incredible Customer Experience

This one’s all about the human-centered part of running an e-commerce shop. Marketing and promotion before the sale, and delivery stellar customer service after.

Don’t know where to find your people? Here’s where we explore the tactics to help them find you.

How do we deal with returns and complaints? They happen, even when you do everything right! Be in integrity without losing your shirt.

This is a self-paced course ($997 Value), and new modules will be released every two weeks so there is plenty of time to work on your products and offerings as we go along using my friend and mentor Sam Bennett’s near-legendary 15-Minute Method. 

PLUS Bi-Weekly Live Q&A Sessions with Veronica ($997 value)

Live Q&A sessions on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month (Except for July, which will be the 2nd and 5th). Veronica will answer your questions, offer clarity, and workshop your actual offerings so you can get set up for success.

These sessions will be recorded.

Total value for this edition of Make It Real: $1994.


Enroll today for $497


Make It Real: Design, Produce & Sell Your Cool Products Online, will answer these questions and more:

  • Want to sell products, but don’t want to end up with a garage full of stuff? Or – UGH – have to pack and ship everything?
    In today’s world of “print on demand,” it’s easy to turn your art into cool products, and we’ll show you exactly how to choose a printing partner who will create and deliver excellent, high-quality products quickly and easily – and profitably.
  • Uncertain if your doodles, drawings, and designs turned into cool products would sell well enough to make it worthwhile?
    You will be thrilled to find out the simple secret to being 100% sure – in advance – how well your product will sell.
  • Fantasized about selling mugs, pins, journals, ebooks, or clothing online, but not sure how to go about it?
    You’ll get step-by-step instructions on how to set up your “shops” on Etsy and Shopify – so you can start making money right away!
  • Worried you’ll get overwhelmed by the tech?
    That’s EXACTLY why we’re offering this course. Veronica’s an expert at explaining things in a way that is memorable, easy to understand, and fun. After all, she’s an artist herself – she gets it : )
  • Not sure what you’d make? Too many ideas?
    You’ll get to see a bunch of different product options, as well as precisely what’s involved in the creation of each: ebooks, journals, knickknacks, clothing.
What if I took Make It Real when you offered it a few summers ago? Is it worth it to do again?

Yep! You’ll have a leg up on the concepts, but the new version is going to be self-paced, easier to digest and skip around, with new updated strategies and resources for getting your Print On Demand side-hustle started.

I'm not an artist. I'm a writer/content creator. Is there anything in Make It Real for me?

If you have any interest in self-publishing, you’re going to want to check this out. I’m to understand that you’re responsible for a lot of your marketing even if you go the traditional publishing route, so it wouldn’t hurt to look over the the marketing/market research/social promotion sections of Make It Real to bolster your following and make sure the people who want to read your work can find you.

I think I'm going to need more support than just twice-monthly live calls. What have you got?

I’m launching this new edition of Make It Real in conjunction with my friend and mentor Sam Bennett’s near-legendary Get It Done Lab. Sam and I have been working together for years, and she actually helped me dream up this course and bring it into reality a few years ago, using the Get It Done principles and the 15-Minute Method.

Get It Done Lab meets live for 60-90 minutes on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month through August 5, 2023, and for 15 minutes every weekday. Sam teaches much of what I term the “head stuff” around getting your work out there, and since I teach the practical, we thought the two classes would be a great fit. You will have support and community to get your shop launched 

Sam has a special offer if you enroll in Get It Done Lab, and add on Make It Real through the checkout over there. It’s a secret, so you’ll want to email us and find out what it is.

I want to sell digital downloads, or Handmade stuff. Is this just for Print on Demand?

Print on Demand is the focus, but the principles should be useful for any artist or craftsperson getting started in eCommerce.

Research and Planning is a universal concept that will enable you to find the people who are looking for you.

Prepare for Print will introduce you to the fun and fascinating world of Print on Demand. You might just want to add it to your offerings!

The Design for Non-Designers module will help you understand how to make your products look appealing in the marketplace and ensure your best chance of making the most sales. 


Here’s the replay of the fun pop-up training Sam and I did